As per rumors, Google will roll out Android 4.4.3 update in this month for Nexus 5, 7 & 10. The update (KTU84F) was first heard from Sprint for their Nexus 5 users mid-April, but changed the schedule later due to some issues.
Also, the update will only include the bug fixes and no new feature will be available. Nexus 5 & 7 users are facing lots of issues after Kitkat update like:
- Nexus 5 not ringing on call
- Nexus 7 takes 8hrs to charge
- Nexus 5 does not show incoming calls when it's connected to Wifi or LTE
So the 4.4.3 update will solve this bug But till the update is not available, we can't say anything as google has not released the changelog yet.
Update: As per new source the 4.4.3 update will be rolled out from May 23 for Nexus devices
Source, Source1
Also, the update will only include the bug fixes and no new feature will be available. Nexus 5 & 7 users are facing lots of issues after Kitkat update like:
- Nexus 5 not ringing on call
- Nexus 7 takes 8hrs to charge
- Nexus 5 does not show incoming calls when it's connected to Wifi or LTE
So the 4.4.3 update will solve this bug But till the update is not available, we can't say anything as google has not released the changelog yet.
Update: As per new source the 4.4.3 update will be rolled out from May 23 for Nexus devices
Source, Source1
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