Thursday, 1 September 2016

Turing Phone Cadenza - Mobile device from different world

There are lot of mobile devices are coming in market and every other device is better from the previous one and competitors. Few time back OnePlus3 was in hype and still it is, as it's the first device with 6GB or RAM and providing such a great specs in cheap price as compare to other manufacturers. You might seen a devices with good spec but Turing Cadenza will going to break all records and planning to provide you a device which you can not compare with any present in market or might be coming in future.

Turing Phone Cadenza will include like 2 Snapdragon 830 processors, 1TB of Storage, 12GB of RAM, Artificial Intelligence and lot more as shown in below picture.

The device is expected to launch in 2017 and if its happen then this device will become the first of its kind, not sure about the price but we can assume it will not be cheap. With such a good specification we can also assume that this device will work like a personal computer.

What do you think?

Source1, Source2

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