Sunday, 21 May 2017

Skillz - Logical Brain Game for Android

In this game you will be going to play number of different small puzzles of different types related to memory game, maths, logical etc. The best part of this game is all puzzles are meaningful. As you win you will be rewarded by stars which is nothing but brains and you can use that brains to skip/pass the puzzle in which you are stuck. You can also purchase them with real money if you want but if do so then the game become boring for you. Almost all puzzles has time constraint and some are really tough ones.

One of the best part of this game is when you restart puzzle it will not be same, so every time the same puzzle feels new as the values/lines/colors will change in most of the puzzles. It also has multiplayer mode where you can sign in and play with your friends or any player online and you can earn extra brains if you won.

One of the best puzzle game I have played recently and you should also give a try and I am sure you will love it. As in free version adverts are there but not much annoying like in some of other free games.

The game is Free but with in app purchase which includes getting brains and remove adverts. You can download the game from play store or click here

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